题目:The Impact of the Mobile Channel in Omni-Channel Banking Services
开云手机在线登陆入口-开云(中国):3月25日 09:45—11:00
刘君,新加坡管理大学信息系统学院信息系统与管理学博士研究生。本科毕业于天津财经大学,分别获得信息管理与信息系统专业管理学学士和金融学专业经济学学士。美国卡内基梅隆大学Heinz学院访问博士生。研究兴趣包括金融信息系统与技术,金融服务,移动支付,移动银行和高频交易。近期研究成果已发表在国际期刊Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Technological Forecasting and Social Change,和Information Technology and Management。博士期间从事移动金融服务领域的研究,重点体现在科技创新的经济分析,移动金融服务的技术采用,和零售银行的数据分析等。
As smartphones and tablets have been widely adopted and mobile banking apps have come into ubiquitous use, mobile devices are increasingly being used for banking, making payments, budgeting and shopping. In this paper, we examine the interdependencies among mobile phones, tablets and PC banking services channels, and investigate how the use of the mobile channel influences financial decision-making by banking customers. We acquired access to a large-scale dataset of customer-level transactions from a financial institution in the United States. The findings suggest that: (1) the use of the mobile channel increases customer in-formedness and demand for services; and (2) lower ATM channel density and higher branch channel density where the customers live are associated with higher digital banking service de-mand. In addition, (3) the mobile phone channel serves as a complement to the PC channel, the tablet channel substitutes for the PC channel, and the mobile phone and tablet channels com-plement one another; and finally (4) compared to PC-only users, mobile phone and tablet users are less likely to incur overdraft and credit card penalty fees. This paper contributes new knowledge in omni-channel banking services and examines customer post-adoption behavior using actual transaction-level observations. The findings will be useful for the design and man-agement of banking service delivery channels.