
Too close to calculate: The effects of psychological distance on modes of decision making


讲座题目:Too close to calculate: The effects of psychological distance on modes of decision making





Han earned her Ph. D. degree in Psychology from Northwestern University, and joined the Department of Marketing and E-Commerce at Nanjing University in 2014. She seeks to understand the underlying mechanism of human cognition, emotion, and behavior and translate scientific insights into applicable realms of daily concern. Her research work has appeared in several important academic journals.


Despite prior research suggesting that people engage inqualitatively different processes to make decisions, relatively little is known about whether and how the different modes would be influenced by psychological distance. We propose and test the idea that whether decisions adopt calculation-based vs. affect-based modes depends on the psychological distance from the decision situation. When the situation is perceived as psychologically close, whether in time, space, or social perspective, affect-based mode is relied on more. By contrast, for distant decisions, more weight is given to calculation-based mode.