
讲座预告|Fiscal impact analysis using CGE Models: applications in US and Indonesia(使用CGE模型进行财政影响分析:美国和印度尼西亚的应用)




主讲人:Geoffrey J.D. Hewings

主讲人介绍:Geoffrey J.D. Hewings博士,伊利诺伊大学香槟分校政府与国际事务学院、地理系、经济系、城市与区域规划系和农业与消费经济学系荣誉教授;任15种国际学术期刊(SSCI收录)编委会委员,Advances in Spatial Science丛书主编;1989年在伊利诺伊大学创立区域经济应用实验室。曾任国际区域科学协会主席,国际投入产出协会主席和北美区域科学委员会主席。

讲座摘要:The presentation will provide a brief introduction to regional CGE modeling and then illustrate two applications. The first explores the impact of an increase in the state income and corporate tax rates on the labor market and migration in Illinois. The second applies a financial CGE model to explore the impact of alternative funding mechanisms for transportation investment in Indonesia.